This is an NHS service and is free of charge.

Social prescribing, also sometimes known as community referral, is linking people to their community to help support their health and wellbeing. It is a means of reducing isolation, raising confidence and self-esteem and equipping people to better self-care. It is a non-medical solution to non-medical problems. Social Prescribing Link Workers offer one-to-one support and advice to individuals, helping them to connect with their community, reduce social isolation and improve their health and well-being.


Who is Social Prescribing for?

  • People who need support with mental health
  • People who are veterans
  • People who are lonely or isolated
  • People willing to engage in self-care/help management
  • People with complex social needs which affect their well-being
  • People who frequently attend primary or secondary health care
  • People who need support with physical health needs
  • People with long term health conditions

Please contact us for more information if you feel the service is for you and feel you don’t fit the above criteria. This service is currently only for people over 18. It is not an emergency or urgent care service.

A link worker will support the participant to think about what is really important to them and to set some achievable goals. Then together they will identify local groups and activities that will help the participant achieve their goals. The link worker will ensure that the participant can access the groups and activities, if necessary they will attend with them whilst they gain confidence and build friendships.

Yes, health and Social Prescribing involves a high level of confidentiality (the same as a GP Practice). Social Prescribers prioritise privacy and create a safe space for patients to discuss their health goals, challenges, and personal experiences. Social Prescribers are responsible for safeguarding any records or notes from sessions in compliance with relevant data protection laws.

The first session is predominately you and the social prescriber getting to know each other. The social prescribers use a tools to understand your current motivational levels. This helps the social prescriber to get to know you better and to understand what matters to you most. Together, you’ll explore your lifestyle, values, health, goals, and any obstacles that may hinder your progress. You’ll set short term goals to start working towards what you want to achieve.

The number of sessions can vary depending on the need of the person. The sessions can last up to 60 minutes with the frequency being decided between the social prescriber and yourself. Everybody is individual the sessions are tailored to you and your needs. The sessions could be weekly, every 2 weeks or once a month.